A Patient Support Group Meeting held at HCG Cancer Centre, Jaipur was one of the many events hosted by The Max Foundation and Friends of Max in observance of this year’s World CML Day on 22/9. Kanwaljeet Singh, attending FOM City Chapter Leader, was interviewed and asked to share his views:

1. How do these gatherings impact individuals, and what emotions surface when connecting with the FOM Community?
These gatherings have a positive effect on patients, both individually and as a group. Meeting others who have been living with CML for 10-15 years or more inspires them and eases their fears. It reinforces their belief that by consistently following their medication regimen and attending regular physician visits, they too can lead a normal life.
2. Now it has been 20 years since we have been doing patient support group meetings, how do you think the meetings have evolved, what are the new changes in the discussions and workshops that you are seeing?
Friends of Max and The Max Foundation are doing meaningful work in supporting CML patients. I’ve noticed that the meetings have become much more inclusive and participatory. Everyone has the opportunity to share their views and address their questions. During the post-lunch workshop session, we’re divided into groups, which encourages even the quieter patients to express themselves through their group. Over the years, participation has grown, and it’s heartening to see so many new patients attending the meetings with their families.

3. What would you like to see in future meetings?
I would like to see more participation from the State Government machinery, specialised personnel from other public hospitals and some public representatives to help expand FOM’s outreach to new patients. In future FOM could inform them in advance and invite them to our meetings.
4. In your experience with Support Group meetings, can you share a specific instance where you witnessed a notable impact or positive outcome for a patient?
Cancer disease is recoverable, but the fear of cancer is much more dangerous than disease itself. I have been living with multiple cancers—CML since July 2005 and prostate cancer since June 2024. I firmly believe in God, the power of strong will, and the importance of following my oncologist’s medical advice, including taking my medications regularly. I’m enjoying my life, and to me, CML stands for “Cheerful My Life.” In these meetings, sharing our personal experiences not only raises awareness but also inspires and motivates other patients.

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