We have some good news for you!
At last, we have a special day for ourselves!
September 22 has now been chosen as “CML Awareness Day“.
As you know, this will help coordinate activities of the CML groups like ours to raise awareness of the disease. The date has been chosen due to its significance, when expressed in the American way of writing September 22nd, as 9 /22, to link it to the fact that chromosomal translocation of 9 and 22 causes the PH chromosome.
As one of the members of the Steering Committee of CML Advocates, Pat has been involved with other CML advocates on setting up some tools to help us come together and “declare” September 22 as CML Awareness Day.
One such tool is a “Proclamation” on CML Advocates gathering signatures in support of declaring CML Day.
We request you to get people to sign, and help make this initiative a HUGE success. It should be an easy choice to sign and ask other patients, caregivers, and everyone to sign. Feel free to sign yourselves too.
This is not only for patients and there will be no mention as to whether a person is a patient or not. We are all signing as people. Everyone can choose to add an organization if they wish. Please sign here.
We are sure that, together, we can make this campaign highly rewarding, as it will ensure that people will recognize the date as our special day.
All the best! And Happy CML Day!
TMF – Sudha Samineni
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