You remain the foundation of our mission.
It is with your support that we have been able to make some meaningful change in the lives of patients living with CML and GIST, two forms of rare cancers, and on lifelong treatment.
1. Empowered 60+ pediatric cancer patients with access to education
2. Provided 3,500+ free diagnostic tests to CML patients across India
3. Hosted 300+ Addas in India, Singapore, Canada, and the USA
4. Raised over 5 lakh cups of chai to cover the small and yet unmet needs of patients
5. Conducted 200+ Patient Support Group meetings across India
6. Positively impacted 15,000+ patients and caregivers
7. Engaged 50+ leading oncologists in our mission
Your support matters- let us hope we can continue to work together to bring more #hopeanddignity to the lives of patients living with cancer.
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