A day devoted to creating awareness and understanding the needs of patients diagnosed with the blood disorders classified as MPN
FOM unites with the world to raise awareness about Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)—a group of rare blood disorders- Essential Thrombocytosis, Myelofibrosis and Polycythemia Vera.
As a support group we leverage our experiences with CML to drive health equity and extend care, support, and understanding to the countless patients, caregivers, and families living with MPN.
Sharing glimpses from the weekly Wednesday MPN Clinic held for the newly diagnosed patients and their families at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, where our volunteers assist the physicians, MPN disease information literature developed by Friends of Max with the support of leading physicians and Friends of Max team representatives at MPN Horizon conferences every year, carrying the voice of advocates from India.

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