Amma writes about FOM Bangalore
{mosimage} Last weekend I spent with the Friends of Max of the Bangalore Chapter who had planned a special community…
Budding Journalists in the MaxIndia Office
{mosimage} Apr 2 2009 All through these years at MaxIndia we have been trying to make the agenda of our…
The sun rose on February the 1st
{mosimage}Subroto & Sabyasachi talk about the All India Meet '09 So the sun rose on February the 1st, 2009, sending…
A few words from Boman Desai
{mosimage}Hi Viji, Ayeshah, and Sharon , I just looked over the materials you so kindly presented in that lovely red…
All India Meet ’09 – Nikhil Batra recounts…
{mosimage}Day before the annual meet and meeting Amma: It was so lovely and memorable experience meeting all the FOM members…
All India Meet Kolkata – Chhulo Aasman
{mosimage}Date: 1st February, 2009 Time: 8:30am thru 4:30pmVenue: Nazrul Manch – Kolkata Pre-registration – days preceding the meeting.Friends of Max…
FOM – Ahmedabad
{mosimage}FRIENDS OF MAX MEETINGDate: 13th December, 2008Venue:Rustamji Cama Hall, the Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad Welcome to Viji Amma, Ayeshah & Vidya…
Max Birthday Celebrations – Delhi
{mosimage}FOM Delhi meets to celebrate Max’s Birth Anniversary – DATE: 8th NOVEMBER 2008 VENUE: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital auditorium…
Max Birthday Celebrations – Chennai
{mosimage}Date: 2nd November 2008 Time: 10:30am thru 4pm Venue: CSI School for Deaf and Dumb – Chennai Rajee reports:We planned…
Max Birthday celebrations – Mumbai
{mosimage} Celebrating Max’s Birthday – with Colours Of Hope Date: 26th October 2008 Time: 10:30am thru 5pm Venue: S P…
FOM – Lucknow
{mosimage} Friends of Max meeting held at Lucknow on the 18th October at Mohammed Bagh Club, Lucknow. The first ever…
FOM meet – Jaipur
{mosimage}FRIENDS OF MAX PATIENT GROUP MEETING, Jaipur Medical Association Hall, SMS Hospital, Jaipur. 28th September 2008 JAIPUR FOM MEET FOR…
FOM Pune Meet – report 2
{mosimage}FRIENDS OF MAX PATIENT GROUP MEETING, SAhayadri HOSPITAL, PUNE -19th July 2008 Volunteer Training Programme Module 1 Although I have…
Reporting from Ladakh
{mosimage}Number of people = 15Number of bikes = 13Who? = Highway NawabsWhere? = The HimalayasWhy? = Why not?
FOM Meet – Alibaug
{mosimage}Visit to S M Wadke High School, Chondi-Kihim for Cancer Awareness Programme The date was 2nd Aug’08, for when the Cancer…
FOM Meet – Pune
{mosimage}FOM MEETING ON 19TH JULY 2008 HELD AT THE SAHAYADRI HOSPITAL. The Pune meeting of the Friends Of Max was…
FOM Meet – Mumbai
{mosimage} FOM Meeting on 11th May 2008 held at the SP Jain Auditorium at Bombay Hospital from 10:30am through 5p.m.…
The first ever FOM Meeting in Patna
almost never happened!! As soon as Dr Rajiv Prasad of the Regional Cancer Cente in the Indira Gandhi Institute of…
Victoria Memorial Garden FOM meet
{mosimage} Meeting of FOM on 20th April 2008 held at the Victoria Memorial Garden at 4:00 p.m. It was a…
Friends of Max meeting in Kolkata
{mosimage}19th and 20th April, 2008 | Reported by Anshu Agarwal It was a day full of excitement and vigour…
Cancer and Tobacco: Awareness Programme for the youth in High Schools
Background {mosimage} FOM Vasant Chaudhari teaches English to High School children in Chondi. Chondi is a small village in the…
Friends of Max – Chennai Chapter October 7th 2007
Oct 11 2007 Volunteer Training Workshop – Reported by: Sriram Ranganathan {mosimage} There was great enthusiasm among the Chennai Friends…
Welcome to Friends of Max!
Patient Support Groups: Helping Patients and their caregivers cope with the diagnosis of Cancer A diagnosis of cancer can bring…
Friends of Max – Hyderabad Chapter August 2007
Sep 5 2007Reported by – Sailaja {mosimage} Dear Friends of Max, What a day it was on Sunday, the 19th…