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Virtual Patient Support Group Meeting for Odisha – Report by Rabindra Kumar Gouda


Virtual Support Group Meeting for Odisha – Report by Rabindra Kumar Gouda

The Max Foundation and Friends of Max hosted a Virtual Support Group Meeting for CML and GIST patients in Odisha on 30th April 2022 from 4 PM to 6 PM. This meeting was held on a virtual platform.

The meeting started on schedule and more than 140 participants joined in. Another 100 people watched the meeting Live on Facebook. Sudha Samineni coordinated the proceedings of the meeting very well to make it a success. Dr Debashish Das was the moderator of the physicians’ panel discussion. FOM Trustee, Mr. Sunder Krishnan, spoke about Role of Patient Leaders in Patient Outreach Programs as well as FOM membership and its benefits.

Insights from the panel of physicians-

Dr. Ghanashyam Biswas discussed recent advances in CML and possible future treatments. He also explained how to manage side effects of treatment in disease. After some deliberation with him, Dr. Debasish Das asked him some FAQs for the benefit of participants.

Dr Prabodh Das shared his insights on TFR and followed his talk by answering some frequently asked questions.

Dr R.K. Jena shed light on the importance of communicating with treating physician and explained the same in great detail.

Dr Rajeeb Nayak spoke on managing CML during the COVID-19 pandemic which was very useful for patients.

Ms Praksmita Rout delivered a presentation on Diet & Nutrition and shared her invaluable advice for our participants.

Aashray Paul, FOM Communication Manager and Om Prakash Agarwal also spoke about the Friends of Max in detail which was encouraging for patients.

FOM Bhubaneshwar City Chapter Leaders Gitanjali Gouda, Kavita Agarwal, and Dr Pravakar Sahu spoke on the role of caregiver which was really motivating and inspiring.

Patients and caregivers were very happy and expressed their feelings and gratitude in the WhatsApp group that was created for the meeting. Also expressed this type of meeting should be conducted half yearly or yearly on a continuous basis.

Vote of thanks was given by Rabindra Kumar Gouda after the meeting.

– Rabindra Kumar Gouda, FOM Bhubaneshwar City Chapter Leader.

You can watch the replay of this meeting on our Facebook page by clicking here.


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