Date: 21st February 2010
Venue: Rustamji Cama Hall, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad
Welcome to Viji Amma, and the whole team of the Max Foundation to Ahmedabad city. A city known for the rich history of its Culture, its Tradition & its Food.
The Meeting on 21st February 2010, Saturday at Rustamji Cama Hall, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad was hosted by the GCRI – Gujarat Cancer Research Institute. There was a more than 300 plus attendance from around Gujarat and the neighboring state of Gujarat. The participants along with their spouses, children and some with their relatives attended the meeting. Everyone was greeted warmly by Amma on their arrival. Registration procedure was efficiently handled by the volunteers of the “Karuna Kare Foundation” under the wonderful leadership of Usha Kant Bhai . Frequently Asked Questions on CML in Gujarathi and medicine boxes were distributes to all. After Registration we all take a hot tea, coffee & biscuits in morning breakfast.
At 9.30 am, Dr. Soniaben delivered the welcome address & invited all the doctors, FoM Team Members & all Patients. After that, Dr. Pankajbhai Shah, who is the Director and Chief of GCRI the Cancer Hospital, Civil Campus, gave the inaugural speech.
Thereafter, Viji Amma made a presentation regarding establishment & history of Max Foundation & Novartis, network of Max Foundation & their key role in savings thousands of lives throughout the World. She also spoke about the importance of being regular in taking the medicine and follow up with the doctor.
After that, the Question-Answer session started. Dr. Soniaben asked FAQs to senior doctors. And the Senior Doctors gives answer very politely regarding types of Cancers, awareness against Cancer, Precautions in CML, Signs of CML, Causes of CML, treatment in CML, side effects of Glivec and Treatment after Glivec etc. They answered the questions asked by the patients & their relatives.
Thereafter, Amma give speech, with her special charm. She spoke about The Friends of Max Trust and how in different cities our brothers and sisters were going about sharing and learning from each other and become like a family. She then invites some volunteers on stage to share their experiences with the others. With her magic words, she set a lighter tone to the proceedings and ensured that everyone had a smile on their faces.
We were all happy to share our experiences to each other and how we benefited from support of our family and especially our life partners. This was a great learning and sharing experience for all the patients.
And then, all the members saw a short children’s film named “FOTO” referred by Dr. Pankajbhai Shah.
And lastly, Dr. Soniaben gives words of thanks. The meeting concluded with the Lunch. We all enjoyed delicious Puri Aaloo and Shrikhand and tasty Chaaval kadi .
Everyone wished that these type of sessions organized more frequently so that we could all meet more frequently and derive strength from each other.
Amma met all patients personally and talked warmfully with everyone. I am very surprised that she called every patient by their name. then it was time to take a group photograph with all of us.
In my view, “Never Lose Will Power & Confidence In Yourself”. It is the best medicine in all diseases. It cure 50 % your diseases. This meeting was a successful in all respect. We could see the hope rising again in our lives.
The moral of this meeting is :
i) Never lose faith in self and God
ii) Trust your Doctors
iii) Take medicines regularly
iv) Never lose confidence
v) Live each moment of your life
vi) Make your attitude positive in life
Reported by Ajay Gandhi, Ahmedabad
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