Date: 26th March 2011
Venue: The Technia Institute Auditorium
It was a bright sunny day & the core group led by Amma was there at this excellent venue (The Technia Institute Auditorium in distant Rohini ) well before 7.30 am and getting busy with the arrangements immediately.
I was a little late and reached by 8.00 am and the banners and registration tables were all set up by then . It was great to see the enthusiasm in our core group. A big Delhi meeting after a long time !
Everybody got busy and did his / her bit and we were all set and ready by 9 .00 am.
The venue arranged by RGCH was great and its proximity to the Metro station was a boon to those coming from distant places in the National Capital Region.
We were ready and waiting for people to arrive and as usal the registrations started gradually , like the steam engine slowly chugging giving us core group member some anxious moments before it picked up to full speed .
Sharon had received 300+ confirmations and all arrangements were made accordingly; name cards, kits bags , seating as well as refreshments and lunch .
But truly just like the steam engine the registrations slowly picked up and by 10.30 we had 150 + and the final tally crossed 275.
The best ever in any Delhi meet.
All people coming were led to the breakfast spread out and all of us volunteers too had the breakfast and then things started rolling with Dr. Bhurani coming in with his team and then the CEO of RGCH reached with Dr. Gauri Kapoor and others. The meeting started after the Deep Prajwalan and the National Anthem. And of course the introductions of all our doctor friends who were present.
The interaction with the doctors panel was started first as some doctors had to leave early, It was an excellent session with the doctors answering the queries of all to their great satisfaction. I am sure every body that was there got lots of information and guidance.
The doctors’ panel was great and we are all thankful to them for their precious time and advice. It was so good and nobody wanted them to stop and the doctors too were so willing but time runs out fast, Amma had to take over and with Vote of thanks to the doctors we all had a lunch break.
After the sumptuous lunch all were back in the auditorium and seated according to their coloured name cards and handed over the Compliance information sheet to fill up. Each of the four groups had volunteer leaders to help with filling the same.
In the meanwhile Amma took over the dais and gave a wonderful and informative presentation on the Max Foundation and Novartis. And then her session educated all on the most important information on being regular with the medicine and follow up with doctors.
It was a load of information for all and specially for so many members who had come for the first time.
And then some experiences were shared from the forms filled ( how we managed to be regular in our medication ; what helped us not to miss our correct dosage and why some of us were irregular and forgot our medicine) and some members were invited on stage to share their experiences with valuable inputs from Ravi , Rajdeep Rakeshji, Yogeshji, Swati and others .
When you hear the experiences of others, who have been in this crusade for so many years (lead by our Warrior Rakesh ji from Ghaziabad who has been fighting CML for last 18 years and by God’s grace IS going strong), it gives you tremendous moral boost and that confidence comes out from within …. ‘ WE SHALL OVERCOME ONE DAY’.
After this came the suggestions and advices from so many members on taking regularly the medicines and not missing out even a single day and never miss an appointments with the doctor. Well the inputs were great and the best part was the Grit and enthusiasm in one & all.
This session has always been my favourite, as it gives one the strength to stand up against the circumstances, learning from other experiences.
Time was running out and and our Anchor Anil Nagpal, who has to be commended for his hard work in organising the show and then topping it up with an excellent anchoring , initiated the CML anthem
“WE SHALL OVERCOME……………!!!!!!!!!! “
The meeting came to an end with tea being served and good byes to all.
What a wonderful day and the success of the meeting lighted up all faces.
It was hard to say byes but it had to be but not before the photo session with AMMA.
Great work Team Delhi & Tonnes of Thanks to the wonderfull doctors team from RGCH. & a special thanks to Dr. Bhurani, he stayed on with us till the end.
Team Delhi We should meet early again.
Sanjay Kapoor, FOM Delhi
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