Home » Support Group Meetings » Adherence & Its Importance – Presentation by Abhishek Patidar & Nikhil Batra

Adherence & Its Importance – Presentation by Abhishek Patidar & Nikhil Batra


At the Virtual Patient Support Group Meeting organized by The Max Foundation and Friends of Max for CML & GIST patients in Maharashtra, FOM City Chapter Leaders from Pune – Abhishek Patidar and Nikhil Batra delivered a well-received presentation on “Adherence & Its Importance”.

They presented on the topic in an easy-to-follow conversation style. We asked Abhishek what their process was in creating the presentation for the patients and caregivers at this meeting.

Q1. How did you plan this activity?

I called Nikhil to discuss this topic. We came to the conclusion that we need to move away from the traditional way to present this topic. We also discussed how important this topic is and the value it holds for all CML & GIST patients.

Taking cues from FOM Trustees Pramod George and Nirmesh Prakash who have presented on this topic at several meetings in the past through their “Bhai and Bhidu Show”, we chose to ask simple questions and explain to the audience our secrets of not missing the medicines.

Q2. What kind of research did you conduct for this presentation?

As a patient I knew what kind of challenges I have faced. To discover more about reasons and challenges leading to non-adherence, Nikhil and I brainstormed the possible reasons for not taking medicines.

We concluded that if you want to do something on a regular basis, make it a habit or merge it with any of your existing habits. Thus, there will be less scope of forgetting to take your medicines.

We have also discussed the methods we follow to be regular in this practice.

Q3. What impact will this discussion have on patients?

Sometimes, you need to shine a light to help a person do something. We believe that we have enlightened our patients to be more compliant. We have discussed what we do and how we do it to never forget taking our medicines on time. We hope to see an improvement in compliance among the patients who have attended this meeting.


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