It’s a wonderful opportunity for me to pen down the report for the 5th Regional (FOM) meet for CML recipients and caregivers held at Patna on 17th February2013.
It was my first accumulation of knowledge about the magnanimous effort made by Novartis and The MAX Foundation for people fighting with Cancer.
Our countdown started from 8am by coiffing the registration table at IGIMS Auditorium.
Due to the showery upwinds we were worried about the footfalls but as the day began the light of our belief was converted as numbers gained speed, we had about 205 people attending this tremendous gesture.
Our gathering was initiated by THE NATIONAL ANTHEM and then address by Dr.Rajesh Kumar Singh, HOD IGIMS, he very warmly welcomed all the people present at the auditorium and expressed his happiness in conducting the 5th Regional Patna Meet in the IGIMS Auditorium. The Chief Guest for the event was Dr.Mahendra Sinha DEAN IGIMS; he also had prepared a short speech and was very thankful to Novartis and TMF.
Sharon then came up on the stage and gave a very informative presentation on Max, The Max Foundation, GIPAP – NOA programme and Friends of Max – It was very nice to know so many things also I was attending the conference for the first time – it was all very overwhelming for me – So many patients are being helped by The Max Foundation – Amazing to know.
Around mid-noon the whole stage was booked for the most graceful lady whom we call AMMA!!!
Her presentation on CML – GIST and compliance was well constructed and nicely delivered. She also explained in great detail all about the PCR Campaign and the importance of the test in the management of CML survivors . During registraitona ll of them had received the FAQ in Hindi as well as buttons asking Mera PCR Kya hai ?
Our day could not be “THE DAY” without the eye opener and emotional act played by 12 filles of Patna Women’s College, guided by Prof (Dr) Shefali Roy.
A very nice skit was arranged on awareness of Cancer.
We enjoyed the tasty lunch with our visiting family and the doctors. Doctors fuelled themselves for the Q&A session with patient.
The session was very informative. There were so many recipients coming forward to ask all the doubts, fears, worries they had in their heart and mind – They were all seeing their treating physicians in a different setting and that is what was helping them to come forward and ask more and more questions and ease the burdens in their hearts and our lovely team of Doctors were answering the queries with patience and benignity.
While the Q and A was going on , we also distributed the survey forms for the Compliance survey . All the patients were happy to fill in the required information .
At last we moved to the last section of our meeting. Vote of Thanks by Mr. Prashant (Bhaiya)
He motivated the cancer patient and boosted them with courage and confidence to fight with this deadly disease.
Our Heartiest thanks to AMMA and Sharon for their kind participation in the 5th Regional (FOM) meet in Patna. We enjoyed every moment which we shared together.
Cheers to Patna’s Grand Success of the Regional Meet February 2013.
Akash Shekhar, Patna Volunteer
Now something about our reporter in his own words:
Hi Friends,
My name is Akash I am from Patna. I am working for Hindustan Times as a sales executive.
This was the first time I volunteered for a FOM meeting and I have loved being part of this group.
I would like to Thank Mr.Prashant (Bhaiya) who has introduced me to TMF and FOM family.
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