My dear brothers & sisters at Friends of Max !
My name is Piyush Roy and I am 43 years old. I am from Pune – Maharashtra. Today I am here to give my testimony and proclaim my faith in God so that others may know and hear the truth. Those like me who have faith can look up to him for he is the supreme God… the creator of heaven and earth…
It was on January 21st 2008 that I under went a surgery of my rectum upon my surgeon’s advice. A lump had been detected inside my body. I was being treated for fistula – a kind of piles for almost eight months or more.
As the D day came closer everybody at home got a little tense except me as I was very sure that it was only a fistula and that I would be relieved once the surgery was over. The results of the biopsy were declared on the
26th of January – the tumor which was growing inside me was malignant – a Cancerous tumour called GIST in medical terms.
Hell broke down on us.
No body could gather the courage to tell me exactly what had happened to me. All of a sudden everybody turned sad and depressed. Finally, they all told me that nothing would go wrong with me and that I would be fine. Amongst all this I could not gather what exactly they wanted to convey. Finally when I was told the truth, I just couldn’t believe what I had heard! I turned cold and tears rolled down from my eyes; I looked up and said to myself – Oh! God why me? Why only me! I felt as if my life were over.
As the days passed we got all sorts of advice from our near and dear ones- concern for me and my life started pouring in. This was the most critical phase of my life. I was puzzled as I had to decide whether to go in for a permanent surgery of my rectum which suggested – sacrificing a very vital organ of my body – my rectum.
For the rest of my life I would live without one and have permanent colostomy – i.e. passing motions artificially with the help of a pipe inserted from my abdomen. It was as if the whole world turned upside down for me and all my hopes were dashed.
Then a miracle came along.
The Lord sent me his angel in the form of my sister in law – Varsha. She went against all odds-be it the doctors or family members and suggested going to this place called the Divine Retreat Centre, Kerala for a week long prayer session. I was not even able to sit normally due to the open wounds of my surgery and had to use an inflated rickshaw tube through out the journey till we reached the place. I was in too much pain.
Our next concern was how I would be able to attend the week long prayer session. To our surprise the prayer hall contained a bed. It was as if the Lord had arranged it for me. Almost as if he said – Come my child, do not worry, I have everything you need.
My journey with FAITH began.
Everything fell into place. Suddenly I had so many well wishers around me. I distinctively remember father Mathew – co founder of this Retreat Centre. He prayed for me and blessed me. He said, “Don’t worry at all, the cancer will be completely destroyed.” I had surrendered myself at the feet of my Lord, where I was being healed every moment, every hour, every day and each day thereafter. I also remember one fine evening during the prayer session when it was announced that a person with a cancerous tumor has been healed by our Lord, I did not think twice to claim that it was me, yes indeed it was me! All hearts cried for me, all well-wishers prayed for me and wished me good luck. They said, brother you are already healed. It was time to proclaim my faith as I stood up in front of all and said I would be back to give testimony and to give glory to the Lord. And upon my return home I received the good news that the Lord had been waiting for me in the name of “GLIVEC.”
It is over two years or more since I have been on this wonder drug. It’s helping me to lead my life normally and allowing me to live it to the fullest. The doctor who once said that the surgery was inevitable told me that I didn’t need the surgery any more. Go back, he said, thank and praise your God who helped and blessed you with this wonder drug. I kept my word. We all went back to the Divine Retreat Center the same year as promised and shared the “Miracle in my life.” My family, relatives, friends and I and many more people associated with me were witness to it. My sincere gratitude to the Max Foundation and to Novartis who provide us with this wonder drug. They reach out and touch many lives around the globe.
I’ll end by saying, “Keep shining and always keep smiling”
Piyush Roy –Pune , 2010
Piyush , who passed away last year (2013) , continues to be a source of great inspiration to all the Friends of Max core group leaders in Pune and to all of us everywhere else.
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