Pramod John George


Pramod George, FOM Trustee and Joint Secretary, represented the FOM family at the CML Horizons Meet 2015 held in Barcelona, Spain. Set up and run by CML Patients and caregivers, the CML Advocates Network connects more than 80 patient organizations in the world. It is an active network for leaders of CML patient groups.

Here is what Pramod would like to share with all of us.

“Had the honor of representing FOM and India at CML Horizons 2015 where CML advocates from across the globe gathered together to share and learn. It was held this year in Barcelona, Spain.

Got updated to what is happening across the world in the field of CML, research in CML, Generics and lot more. There were 130 delegates from across the globe. Our Dr. Hari Menon, Professor, Dept. of Medical Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital was also a key speaker at the conference.”


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