Patient Advocate for:


Rishi Arora

Rishi Arora is the FOM Volunteer of the Month (April 2019).

At all times, Rishi Arora exudes warmth and confidence, spreading it to people he meets and works with. When his father Apar Singh Arora was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in 2008, life for the whole family ground to a halt. There was despair and panic. Not until his father was referred to The Max Foundation by the renowned oncologist Dr. Suresh Advani and they had met members of The Max Foundation in Mumbai was a semblance of peace and calm restored.

The family felt positive after a long time and this is exactly what Rishi wants to communicate and spread among other patients in Madhya Pradesh.

Ever since, he has been an active volunteer and the “go-to” person for every Patient Support Group meeting held in Indore.

Rishi recalls one Friends of Max Meeting when he was at the registration counter; he saw a cheerful 4-year old playing and interacting with others and it was just his presence that bought smiles to people’s faces. Initially, Rishi thought it was the child’s father who was a patient but was shocked to learn that it was the child was a CML patient. He still remembers his face and will never forget his smile. Sometimes kids teach adults a lot about life in unspoken ways.

Rishi was born and brought up in Indore, where he studied for his MBA in Prestige Institute of Management & Research

He lives with his parents in Indore. His wife Priyanka actively participates in all FOM Patient Group Meetings. He was recently blessed with a baby girl, Tashi.

A die-hard Bollywood fan, he loves watching web series and travelling.

A key member of the Friends of Max family and crucial to its activities in Indore.