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Delhi Patient Group Meeting


Sep 9 2006

{mosimage} Sunday the 10th of September – It was a hot and sunny afternoon. Lodhi Gardens provided a beautiful backdrop for another patient group meeting. One by one, patients began to come. Some timidly enteried the group, while others greeted members they knew as old friends. As more patients and their friends arrived, boisterous young children were kept busy with Frisbee and football while a circle of all the participants was formed and new-comers introduced themselves to the group.
Dr. Pallavi was introduced as the newly relocated representative for TMF in Delhi and her smile reflected a warm welcome for all participants. Everyone is very excited that Delhi will be hosting this year’s all-India patient meeting on October 2nd. With less than a month until the big event, the enthusiastic groups of volunteers were busy planning the many logistical pieces.

The support for the patients was incredible. Patients who could not come to the meeting had families or friends did. The lively and fun group provided an invaluable resource for all who attended. Their spirit and sense of humor was inviting and a family-like atmosphere was quickly created.

We would like to thank the energetic group in Delhi for all they are doing to make the October 2nd event possible. With the help of many volunteers across the country, we look forward to this being a beneficial and fun event for all. Additionally, we would like to encourage anyone in the area who has not experienced a Delhi patient group meeting to try to come. It is a truly unique and wonderful experience.


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