Maximiliano M. Rivarola

The Max Foundation was established in honor of Maximiliano (Max) M. Rivarola. Max was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 19, 1973. Max was a typical child who was very active in sports, and loved to play rugby, tennis, and to ski. He was also a good student. Max attended San Miguel School in the outskirts of Buenos Aires. He was very popular and had many friends.
At the age of 14, Max was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). His parents were told that his only chance for a cure was a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, Max was an only child and neither one of his parents was a match for a transplant.
Max’s family took him to Houston, Texas, USA, where he received treatment under the care of Dr. Moshe Talpaz and Dr. Hagop Kantarjian at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center. For two years, his parents searched for a match in all world bone marrow registries without success. Max underwent an autologus transplant in January of 1991. The transplant was unsuccessful.
Max Rivarola laid down his struggle against chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) on March 9, 1991 at the age of 17. He fought this most difficult battle with outstanding courage and his strength was never undermined.
8 responses to “Maximiliano M. Rivarola”
I actually had a class with Max. He’d crack jokes in class. We didn’t know each other very long, and he was out of class a lot, but I’m glad I got to meet him. Our teacher was very sad when she learned he passed.
Thanks to Max foundation for supporting cancer patients worldwide. May God bless you 🙏
No conocía los detalles de esta historia. Pero, siempre es bueno saber cómo se inician las cosas. Es inspirador. Tengo mucho que agradecer a la Fundación Max, ya que durante varios años cuidó de mí como NO lo ha hecho ningún organismo estatal en Argentina. El cariño casi maternal que recibí y el interés notorio en mi bienestar me animaron mucho. Principalmente, me salvaron la vida, por eso escribo esto hoy. Mi agradecimiento y saludos a los familiares de Max, a los directivos y a cada miembro de esta organización que brinda ayuda a seres humanos que, muchas veces, se encuentran desprovistos de toda ayuda y les permiten recuperar la esperanza. Les dedico este pensamiento apostólico: “Y esto es lo que sigo pidiendo en mis oraciones: que el amor de ustedes se haga cada vez más abundante” (Filipenses Cap. 1, Versículo 9).
Corrección: familiares de Max
Max’s courageous struggle and his family’s love for him laid down a legacy of love, dignity and care. Any cancer patient cured due to Max Foundations support, and the happiness they experience, I am sure Max smiles down from the heavens.
Thanks to the generosity of the Max foundation, my father survives today with CML. I from India would not have been able to meet the cost of glivec without the timely intervention by the foundation. A deep gratitude to all involved with this humanitarian and noble mission of saving lives. The Spirit of Max lives on in countless survivors today.
As the mother of a recently diagnosed 16 yr. old it touches my heart to read Max´s story. I would like to thank the Max Foundation since my son was saved from a terrible crisis that almost took his life and it is thanks to the Foundation that my son has a chance to live again. May Max live in all of the children the Foundation saves everyday.
You are a true legend Max.
Claudia Salazar
Mother of Pablo Andres Rodas from Guatemala City.-
Thank you for sharing your story Claudia. Stay well and good luck.
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