Coimbatore, also known as Kovai or sometimes spelt as Covai, is a city in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is located on the banks of the Noyyal River and surrounded by the Western Ghats. It is the second largest city in Tamil Nadu after Chennai and the 16th largest urban agglomeration in India. Coimbatore has been selected as one of the hundred Indian cities to be developed as a smart city under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s flagship Smart Cities Mission. The city is well- known for its Educational Institutions and Medical facility.
I am Jyotiy Parameshwaran, Program Coordinator working from my home office in Coimbatore. I have a Masters Degree in Public Administration. I can speak multiple languages – English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Malayalam and Punjabi.
Joining The Max Foundation in 2016, I am in my fifth year of work. Though I joined for the Southern states, I have currently been assigned regions of the Northern states of Punjab, Bihar and Rajasthan. I work for “Pan India”. I have been proactive and use the best practices by constantly interacting with colleagues in both onsite and offsite.
I believe and continue to focus in contributing towards our motto, “to increase global access to treatment, care and support for people living with cancer”.