And because I love this life I know I shall love death as well The child cries out when From the right breast the mother Takes it away , in the very next moment To find in the left one Its consolation. Rabindranath Tagore , from Gitanjali
Shabbir Udaipurwala 1950 – 2010 : He led from the front , our Shabbir Bhai, always eager and right up front when it came to sharing ; whether it was his good spirits, his love of life or tips on how to live that life well and have fun ! He was everyone’s friend and confidante and at the Max India office he was like a breath of fresh air , charming and debonair . No need to say we all loved him and I especially looked forward to the many stimulating conversations we would have on anything and everything under the sun. His challenging journey on the path of CML was one of the topics that constantly featured on the agenda. He shared his special and precious joy of becoming a grandparent a few years ago and always said being one myself I was sure to know his feeling of elation in seeing his child as a caregiver and parent. Seeing him lying in the hospital bed was I think the most difficult thing in the world for me to do but the twinkle in his eye when he asked me for his long overdue hug gave me the courage to see this next milestone in his journey that way it needed to be viewed. We hugged long and hard and I am sure I heard him say “Amma , this feels good”.. Friends of Max pays tribute to one of their most beloved ……. Dear friends, It is with deepest condolence than I share that Shabbir Udaipurwala is no more with us. For those who have met him, you’d remember him for his active role in FOM meetings both within Mumbai as well as in the all India meets. We pray for his family to have the strength to go through these difficult times. Shabbir shall always be in our hearts. A friend of Max, is a friend for ever. Luv Kerul Mumbai
Anbalagan Paramasivan
Kerul you couldn’t have said it better A Friend of Max is a friend for ever. Shabbir we will miss you , your debonair persona and your charming demeanour. Friends, Shabbir was very happy to be at home and in the midst of his family and friends during the last few days . I met his childhood buddy – been his friend from his Kinder Garden days as well as his room mate from his IIT Kharagpur days ; days and both of them were there all the while to give complete support to him and his family. And of course his dear , loving family , siblings and nieces and nephews giving all their love and strength to his wife and son. Shabbir specially said to me he loved all of the FOM gang and was so happy to have made such wonderful friends. Amma
Its’ shocking to hear such a thing.I still remember him standing talking to me in every All India Meet and was very excited to attend the next meet in Hyderabad.I offer my condolence to him and may his soul rest in peace… Hope his family recovers from this loss.Shabbirji presence will be forever in our all meets. Regards, Pramod Hyderabad
It was really sad to know about Shabbir. At the Chennai meet he was one of the first ones to greet us. His smiling face inspired many. May his soul live forever. SB Delhi I’ve just picked up this mail. it’s a shocker. I pray his soul rests in peace and that the Lord gives his family strength and courage to see them through. To me, he is still around, I can still visualize the radiance of his smile when i close my eyes………. Jaya Mumbai
Brilliant Shabbir Bhai would remain with us in our fond memories as a jolly young heart albeit in a fatherly figure All is well SVSK Bombay
For my friend Shabbir Death is Nothing at all Death is nothing at all… I have only slipped away to the next room… I am I and you are you… Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, Speak it to me in the same way you always used. Put no difference into your tone, Wear no false air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effect, without the ghost of a shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is absolutely unbroken continuity. What is this death but a negligible accident. I am but waiting for you for an interval Somewhere very near Just around the corner. All is well. Henry Scott Holland 1847 – 1918 Canon of St Paul’s, London Love& regards Rajan Pune “Life is larger than Cancer” “Life is larger than Livelihood”
Dear Friends, My deepest condolence to Shabbir bhai’s family, may god give all the strength during this trying times. I remember my conversation and walks with him in Kolkata and in Chennai meets very stimulating, intellectual and down to earth at the same time and as Rajat dada said his mouthorgan was very pleasing to our ears and bring back all the memories of Kolkata days . His smile as every one said it and knows that it is infectious and will remain etched in our memories for ever. Shabbir bhai RIP. Give us all your strength and smile to keep us going. Regards Selvam Chennai
Met Shabbir at All India meets in Bangalore and Chennai. I remember him to be a cheerful person, always very active during the meetings. He didn’t seem that old too…. It’s unbelievable that he is no more. My deepest condolences to his family. Sailaja Hyderabad
A shocking news indeed. Shabbir bhai taught me and Neel how to enjoy Hyderabadi Biryani at Banagaluru. He was socharming. His playing of mouth organ on2nd Feb 2009 in the evening at Kolkata can neverbe forgotten.A successful engineer entrepreneur, a charmingpersonality – Shabbir bhai you will remain inour heart for ever. RM Kolkata
It is always Very sad indeed to lose a member of any family and especially from a close knit and well bonded one as the Friends of Max . Our deepest condolences to everone whose life was touched by that of Shabbirji . May his soul rest in peace RG and SG AP
May god give his family more strength to survive in this critical time, Thanks & regards unni Kerala My deepest condolences to Shabbir bhai’s family. Indeed a very energetic and cheerful person. Braveheart with a constant smile. Regards, Manoj Mumbai This is indeed a very sad news. Last met Shabbir at Chennai during the meet. He looked fine then. So cannot believe that he would be no more within 6 months. May God give the strength to his wife and family in this time. latha Mumbai I am shocked and shaken by the sad departure of a wonderful core volunteer of FOM. A smiling face and a guiding gesture to the new FOMs were his hallmark at our local and national meets. He would painstakingly discuss various aspects of GIPAP with us with a vigour of a teenage boy. The sad news refuses to sink in … RIP Shabbir and here is a smile back at you 🙂 Manoj Kota After Binu it is Shabbir now. No words to express our shock. As said friends of Max will stay with us forever. our deepest condolence to the bereaved family. Param Bangalore I can’t believe that Smiling Shabbir is no longer with us…just can’t believe it. The one thing that I always liked about Shabbir is that whenever we would meet, whether after a month or after a year, he would smile his way to you. So, in the memory of the Smiling Shabbir, let’s consciously find time to flash a smile at others and bring sunshine to them. Cheers to Shabbir! 🙂 NP Bombay Very much shocked to hear, deepest condolence to the family to have the strength to go through these difficult times. SHITAL Bangalore This is very sad news, my condolences to his family, I wish them peace and strength. I’ll always remember Shabbir as one of the happiest people I’ve ever met, I’ll miss him Gita Bombay
My deepest condolence to the family to have the strength to go through these difficult times. Very much shocked to hear this sad news. He was very energetic person and always ready to help. Thanx, DB Bombay
I am sorry to hear about Shabbir’s passing away. We are still in shock, especially that we had met seven months back, in Chennai. I remember that he was already planning for the next big meet in Hyderabad . He was an inspiration to me. I admired all those wonderful qualities that made him the special person that he was. He had intelligence, wit, charm and a caring heart that made him a great friend. I will always be thankful that I had the opportunity to get to know him better and to call him a friend. I will cherish his memory for years to come. When someone is among those special few and the one you love so much, it becomes really hard to bid adieu. Beena Kochi
Friends, I am shocked to hear the sad demise of our Shabbir, sabka dil jeetnewala. He was the kind of a person who was never tired of sharing joy and happiness with whomever he met and made people comfortable with his evergreen smile. My heartfelt condolences to the family. I pray to the Almighty to give the family members the courage,strenght and support. Venkat Chennai
Shabbir bhai taught me and Neel how to enjoy Hyderabadi Biryani at Banagaluru. He was socharming. His playing of mouth organ on2nd Feb 2009 in the evening at Kolkata can neverbe forgotten.A successful engineer entrepreneur, a charmingpersonality – Shabbir bhai you will remain inour heart for ever. RM Kolkata Met Shabbir at All India meets in Bangalore and Chennai. I remember him to be a cheerful person, always very active during the meetings. He didn’t seem that old too…. It’s unbelievable that he is no more. My deepest condolences to his family. Sailaja Hyderabad
My deepest condolence to Shabbir bhai’s family, may god give all the strength during this trying times. I remember my conversation and walks with him in Kolkata and in Chennai meets very stimulating, intellectual and down to earth at the same time and as Rajat dada said his mouthorgan was very pleasing to our ears and bring back all the memories of Kolkata days . His smile as every one said it and knows that it is infectious and will remain etched in our memories for ever. Shabbir bhai RIP. Give us all your strength and smile to keep us going. Regards Selvam Chennai Shabbir always called me as “Shyrose” …can never forget that.. ! Why do people we love go away……..? RT Hyderabad Hi Friends, It is hard to believe…i still remember his lovely music he played with his harmonica last year in Kolkata meet and made our meeting a memorable one. Shabbir bhai will be in our hearts.. Neel Kolkata
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