…on FOM Delhi’s meeting to honour the memory of Rakesh Nagpal
Although I am not good at expressing in words, even then I am going to try to summarize a report of our September 12th meet.
FOM Delhi Meeting: read on
The Meet for this day was planned long back, somewhere in June’09 at Green park Evergreen Restaurant, it was called in by our Beloved Rakesh Nagpal Ji.
This meeting was a therefore a tribute to Rakesh ji and hopefully everything was executed as per his idea and guidance.
Amma and Seema Ji had 160 confirmations for attending the meeting but just before 12th Sep’09, it was raining heavily for the last two days and the D Day began with a light drizzle again and I thought at least let us reach the venue well in Advance and as always Amma was there at the venue (Sir Gangaram Hospital Auditorium ) arranging for things with our new volunteer (Neeraj the young man who was driving the vehicle Amma had arranged for the day and who worked as hard as all of us , all day. )
By 9:30AM, the registration process and FOM Banners were in place, the kit bags packed and ready but attendance was very thin. All of us , the core group members were a bit worried about success of this meeting, as it was raining now heavily like the last two days in Delhi.
Seema ji, who had 160 confirmations, was a bit sad on the very very thin attendance, but we all had hope, that by 11:30, most of the people would turn up and slowly at the registration counter , we could see Shashi Bhabhiji along with her two sons were fully ready and equipped for patient registration and by 11:30AM yes !! we had an attendance of 80+, which gradually shoot up 105+
So… there were all smiles on the faces of the core group, as we could now visualise the success of programme
The day’s Programme started with the National Anthem and then loving , glowing tribute was paid to our Beloved Rakesh Nagpal ji by Rakesh Gupta ,Rajdeep, Anil Nagpal and Amma. Then Amma gave a presentation on Max Foundation/Novartis and importance of taking medicine regularly and last but not the least regular follow up with Doctor. The emphasis was on good compliance and how Glivec ewould work only if we took it regularly.
This time we have many new FOM members who attended meeting for the first time and it was the right platform where we old FOM members shared our experience with new Members. As Anil Nagpal has already stated, by doing so new FOM member really gets a new life and we think this is the main motto of FOM meetings.
After this it was Lunch time, thanks to Seema Ji for all her efforts for such a delicious and hygienically packed food.
After lunch there was the Art Activity and we all were kept busy in expressing love, courage, hope and strength with colours on drawing sheets . WHAT AN IDEA SIRJI (AMMAJI)
In the meeting Agenda we had slotted a Doctor Panel Discussion but unfortunately our programme clashed with many other meetings our doctors had to attend so most of the Doctors were not able to attend.
After the Art activity session and the filling of the Compliance Survey From , it was most natural to see that many new FOM members were sharing one to one their experience with each other.
We were short of time as we were asked to vacate the Auditorium by 3:30PM and so we all sang our concluding anthem Hun Hoonge Kamyab ( and as always in lead role was one and only our Mr Bhasin)and when we had just started moving out of the Auditorium , Dr Atul Sharma (AIIMS) along with his wife came to venue, we all shifted to a small room where the registration process had taken place and there many questions were put in by most of FOM to Dr Atul , so we had a Doctor Panel discussion too after all…..
Thanks To Dr Atul and his wife for attending the meeting . And of course our special thanks to Max/Novartis and all the Doctors. It was almost 5:30PM and we the core group said goodbye to each other to meet again on 13th September.
On 13th Sept the Core Group along with Amma , organized lunch for Girls at “ ANDH KANYA VIDYALAY “ The satisfaction was eternal and we all decided to do it once every quarter.
We all were missing Rakesh Nagpal ji, but it was his mastermind/idea for 12th and 13th Sep’09.
Sir ji , you would be always alive in our heart!!
Reported by Ravi Ahuja
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