…and his signature and catch line was “Life is larger than Livelihood”
Some days ago he sent me this
Viji , just came across a poem in hindi and ……
The rough translation of the poem runs thus: “I am a traveler and in my journey I have met many; Time has washed my ego, my anger, my doubts. But my journey has to continue for some more time. Before time wrinkles my thoughts, breaks my bones and shrivel my soul, let me smile at you my fellow traveler. My journey may end one day when I find my moment of peace and yours will end when you find your port of tranquility. Oh, fellow traveler, time has given us time to smile.”
“Life is larger than Livelihood”
I say was because My dear , dear family , our beloved Rajan Phanse’s journey came to an end this morning when he truly “found his moment of peace” It has taken me more than 12 hours to write this to you and in these twleve hours I have gone back to each one of the twelve years I knew and loved Rajan . Loved him as he loved me and loved everyone who walked by his side – with a great passion and compassion , joyously and with no holds barred .
He truly lived life larger than life itself and gave of himslef so powerfully . And with so much fun and humour . There was no end to what all he would bring for us from from Pune each time he came to Bombay – Shrewsbury Biscuits ( we would threaten to send him back if he came without them) Mawa Cake ( a special packet for Ayeshah’s grandmother as she remimded me today) and once , he even carried my birhtday gift all the way from Pune – a humungous Bean Bag that has pride of place in my living room and in which many of you have lounged !!!
While in Hyderabad for the Meeting I received a message from Rajan’s sister saying he had been taken very serioulsy ill and was in the ICU in a hospital in Pune . As soon as I landed in Bombay I drove down to Pune to see him. He had suffered a severe attack of viral menegitis according to the doctor who was taking care of him and depsite the best efforts of the doctor and his team , he could not survive this .
Some things are said very simply – Rajan , I love you and miss you . Will always love you and continue to miss you . But I have your love and the thoughts you have shared with me throughout these years and that leaves me richer not poorer in even the midst of such a great loss.
So Rajan my dear , till I find my “port of tranquility” and we meet again – here’s to you and to the lesosns you have taught me .
I know so many of you who have been touched by Rajan will want to share your thoughts and feelings ……..
Viji Venkatesh
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