LS 2016 Abhishek Sharma on Yoga for Fitness: “most special”
Working as a yoga and holistic fitness coach for the last 15 years, I have had a chance to conduct…
LS 2016 – Nirmesh Prakash – Secretary FOM, reflects on a special occasion
My dear Sisters and Brothers, Do you all know that we have grown into the world’s largest CML/GIST cancer patient…
LS 2016 – Keynote Address by Amit Vaidya
I’m grateful and honored to be amongst you today. We, all of us in this room embody survival, embody hope,…
LS 2016 – Message from Ranjit Shahani, Vice Chairman & MD Novartis India
First of all let me say how blessed I feel each time I get the opportunity to either meet with…
LS 2016 Address by Pat Garcia-Gonzalez, CEO – The Max Foundation
Dearest Trustees, dear City Chapter Leaders of Friends of Max, dear Guests, it is my deepest pleasure to be here…
Leadership Summit 2016 – Second Day in Kochi
Report by Amruta Patidar Volunteer FOM Pune The third Leadership Summit was held in the beautiful city of Kochi, which…
Leadership Summit 2016 – First Day in Kochi
A Report by Ramanathan Seshadri The Leadership Summit 2016 was held at the picturesque city of Kochi on 17th and 18th…
Support Group Meeting : Jaipur
Report by Tamanna Kajal The Max Foundation represented by Viji Venkatesh (chair person) to create awareness for CML patients and…
Patient Support Group Meeting at Bikaner
Report by AKS, FOM-Bikaner The Max Foundation, represented by Vijaya and Priyanka from Mumbai office, launched the Maximize Life Campaign…
FOM Chennai Meeting 22 Oct
Report by Induja, FOM Core Group Member As I walked past a number of green masked faces, inside the lush…
The first-ever FOM Meeting in Guwahati
Report by Rajiv Kumar (Friends of Max ) in Guwahati It was 25th of September 2016 and it was the…
Support Group Meeting in New Delhi (Oct 2) – focus on 2nd Gen TKIs
The Max Foundation & Friends of Max in association with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital organized “A support group meeting with…
GIST Experts Moving Toward Personalized Medicine Approach to Treatment
The GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor) field has done a nice job of determining that each GIST is not alike, said…
FOM Kolkata celebrates World CML Day
– Report by Ramanathan Sheshadhari FOM Kolkata and Max had the honor to `associate with Tata Medical Center to celebrate…
GIST Awareness Day at The Max Foundation Office
We bring together our GIST patients and their caregivers periodically for regular support group meetings. These meetings are held in…
The Gift of Time: GIST Awareness Day
Awareness: to have a heightened sense. To cope with and ‘manage’ fear. To treasure special and happy memories as a…
CML Horizons Conference 2016
The CML Horizons Conference (Slovenia, 6-8 May 2016), hosted by the non-profit organization Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation, is the main…
GIST Awareness Day!
The Max Foundation & Friends fo Max invite all GIST survivors and caregivers to celebrate GIST AWARENESS DAY 2016 “The…
World No Tobacco Day
Tobacco-related cancer is not a death sentence. Early detection and proper care can prevent calamities. At Friends of Max we…
Announcing Leadership Summit
The 3rd Friends of Max Leadership Summit is scheduled for the 17th and 18th of December 2016 at Hotel Abad Plaza,…
1st Patient Support Group Meeting @Nashik
Maharashtra Regional meet for CML and GIST patients was held in Nashik on
First FOM Meeting at Bhopal and Fourth Meeting at Madhya Pradash
The FOM meeting held on 20th March 2016 at Bhopal’s Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad Chatrashakti was almost a dream coming…