Launching the Maximise Life Campaign in India
The Friends of Max 2010 Maximize Life Campaign was launched at the regional meeting in Kolkata on the 19th September.…
Maximize Life Global Cancer Awareness Campaign!
This October, in partnership with cancer organizations in more than 30 countries, The Max Foundation will launch a worldwide drive…
And our own Shakespeare of Kolkata adds …
Mousam viga viga!! Does not the dark cloud on the horizon bring the deepest thoughts of the sweet heart living far…
Friends of Max Kolkata Chapter launches..
Maximize Life 2010 Date: 19th September 2010Venue: Uttam Manch
Mumbai Meet Report
7th of Aug – FOM meet at Bombay Hospital. Mixed feelings – shall I go or give it a miss…
The Packing Party !!!!
One more interesting aspect of the FOM All India Meets is the kit bags packing session and I would like…
Chali Chennai.. Chuli Asman
(WENT TO CHENNAI.. TOUCHED THE SKY) Up at 5 am and out at 6.30, driving towards the venue of the…
Chennai awareness walk
Ignorance about, and misconceptions and myths surrounding cancer have been the main causative factors leading to such a high incidence…
Chalo Chennai
From Vaishnavi Venkatesh – Friends of Max Chennai who gave us the breathtaking artwork which breathed life and colour into…
Chandigarh FOM Meet
Date: 26th March 2010 Venue: PGI, Chandigarh The Friends of Max CML and GIST patient group meeting was held almost…
Ahmedabad FOM Meet
Date: 21st February 2010 Venue: Rustamji Cama Hall, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad Welcome to Viji Amma, and the whole team of…
Celebration of Life 2009 – Kerala
Date: 17th October 2009Venue: Shilpa School for Mentally Challenged Children – Palluruthy, Kochi Each of us is blessed differently. This…
FOM’s First ever meeting in Bhubhaneshwar – Celebration of Life 2009
Date: 24 October 2009Venue: Infosys Auditorium, Bhubhaneshwar From a mere date in my routine calendar, 24th October, 2009 has gone…
Patna Celebration of Life Meet
Date: 10th Oct 2009 Venue: Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna The unquestioning acceptance in a four year old…
Report on visit to Navjeevan Learning Centre
Date:18th October, 2009 Venue:Murbad, Maharashtra 18th October, 2009 may have been a normal Sunday for most Mumbaikars, but it was…
2009 Art Contest Winner.
FOM Volunteer leader from Patna , Prashant wins The Max Foundation 2009 Art Contest . His entry in oil pastels…
A P Regional Meet
A P Regional Meet 6th September 2009 Hyderabad With the sudden demise of our CM Late Y S Rajashekar Reddy,…
With Children of a lesser God
{mosimage}Date 18th july 2009Venue: St Louis Inst for Deaf and Dumb, Chennai Michael Vedamuthu , FOM core group leader from…
Mission of Mercy for the Aila Cyclone victims
Kolkata FOM Chapter on a Mission of Mercy for the Aila Cyclone victimsDate:21st June 2009 Venue: Ramakrishna Mission, Sarisha, West…
FOM Chennai meet
{mosimage} Date: 19th July 2009Venue: Adayar Centre, Chennai The walk inside the Adyar cancer institute was nostalgic in more ways…
Mumbai Friends of Max Meeting
{mosimage}July 12th 2009 As a new volunteer to the Friends of Max team, I was both excited and nervous to…
“The Mumbai meet” – FOM at Bombay Hospital
{mosimage}12th July’ 09 This was going to be our first meet to attend in Mumbai for me & Shilpa so…
Friends of Max Meeting – Mumbai
{mosimage}Date: 12th July 2009 Time: 10:30am thru 5pm Venue: S P Jain Auditorium at Bombay Hospital Compliance This FOM meeting…
From the ‘Oxford of the East’
{mosimage}– Destination Pune – FOM meet 0900 hrs: It was the 9th of May’ 09 that all of us were…