One Diwali Firecracker


Mahesh Pawar – Nashik

Dear friends,
My name is Mahesh and I am 32 years old. It was during Diwali time and everyone in the house was in a festive mood, when, one day some red patches appeared on my leg. I consulted my family physician who suggested I get a blood test done. I got it done and took the report to the doctor, who then suggested I go to see a Dr.Bondrade. After meeting Dr. Bondrade I was told I have cancer and that I needed to be admitted to the hospital immediately as there were many more tests that needed to be done. I got admitted that very day and after a series of tests, about 4-5 days later it was confirmed I had Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. My family and I were very upset and the entire festive mood disappeared in an instant. The doctor told me that there was nothing to be afraid of, that it could be managed, but, the cost was very high. However my family and I were not in a position and not capable of meeting the expenses, so everyone got very worried. The doctor saw the worried look on everyone's faces and said that there was a Foundation that helps patients with this kind of an illness. He then introduced us to Dr. Gopal, who wrote a letter which I was to take to an address in Mumbai. I went to Mumbai and completed the procedure for and submitted the necessary paperwork required by the Foundation. I learnt from them that Novartis has a donation programme through which
people like me, who cannot afford such costly medicines would receive the medicine and very soon I started getting my supply of Glivec, free of cost.

Friends, I only want to tell you this… I was never afraid of anything. Even when I heard of the illness, I was not afraid of it, but, I was worried! Worried about the family that depends on me, and that really made me sad. Life is a struggle and we have to face each and every problem; it is our duty.

Do not be afraid; face the problems, struggle a bit and you will be happy in the end.

The most important thing I want to tell you is that when I went to 'The Max Foundation' office in Mumbai, I was really happy to see such a wonderful staff there. They made me feel so comfortable and loved. They treat the patients very lovingly and give good advice. I really can't tell you how happy I was on meeting Viji Venkatesh (Amma) who is so kind and gentle towards all her patients. Viji Amma's motherly kindness makes me forget that I have cancer. I thank Ashok ji, Ayesha Madam, Pallavi Madam and all the other staff members from the bottom of my heart for keeping such good relations with all the patients. I pray to God to give Viji Venkatesh (Amma) a long life and the strength to continue to help others.


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