Sri. S. Srinivas – Chennai, 2009
At the age of 58, I was admitted into Apollo Specialty Hospital. The date was 19-9-2006.
The complaint was of general weakness and loss of weight for about two months. The examination and tests revealed that I was suffering from Malignant Gastro Intestinal Stromal Tumour-stomach with infiltration into the tail of the pancreas. My surgical oncologist Dr.R.Rajaraman is a very cheerful person who always thinks positively. He performed surgery on me on 20-9-2006 for laparotomy en bloc Sub total pancreatectomy, splenectomy, left adrenalectomy with sleeve resection of the stomach. The surgery was very successful and the resected stomach margins , pancreas spleen and omentum were free of tumour. I was discharged from the hospital on 28-9-2006. Subsequently, I continued to be normal. I performed my activities regularly, subject to my comfort zone and went periodically for my review with Dr.Rajaraman.
I took a C.T.Scan on 3-4-2007 which disclosed multiple liver metastatis. I was advised to see Dr.T.Raja. It was with the good will of Dr.T.Raja that I was introduced to THE MAX FOUNDATION and NOVARTIS . I was put on GLIVEC. I continued taking Glivec and the CT Scan in October 2008 showed that my lesions were static and I was doing well and clinically fine. My doctors Dr.R.Rajaraman and Dr.T.Raja were very happy with my progress and they told me to go ahead with my normal activities.
God has given me a second life.
Thanks to my two good doctors who have become my personal friends now, I am feeling fine and going about my routine. Thanks to Max Foundation and Novartis for the wonderful assistance they have given me and for the joy they have brought in my second life. The excellent co-ordination of work and help given by Max Foundation in providing Glivec cannot be expressed in words. They have brought peace and cheer at home. I am grateful to Ms.Beena Narayanan and Madam Viji Venkatesh of Max Foundation and Novartis for all the help and kindness rendered to me. My high regards to my doctors Dr.R.Rajaraman and Dr.T.Raja , without whom I would not be what I am today. God is Great!
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