Kameshwar Singh – Gopal Ganj, Bihar 2009
First of all, I wish to salute the company which created Glivec. It has been a life savior to those who have given up hope and then of course to God who has kept us alive. You all show exemplary humanitarian service. If lakhs of people are living a life of courage it is because of you all. I wish to bow down to the love, determination and dignity given to all at The Max Foundation. In today’s selfish world you have shown selfless love and proved to the world that there exists an organization to which the feeble and helpless can look up to. I had read about saviors in novels and stories, but then I got a chance to see the same. When doors have closed from all sides you have given a new lease of life to patients and their families for which I am indebted to you.
The word “cancer” brought our world crashing down.
I am Kameshwar Singh c/o Lalan Singh resident of Amtha Khem, P.O.Line Bazar, Dist:Gopal Ganj Bihar. In June 2008, my eldest sister- in- law felt a lump in the abdomen, which was shown to Dr Vijay Prakash at Patna. After initial investigations, he referred us to Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. We reached Tata Hospital on 30th June ’08. A battery of tests and investigations were done and the doctors summed it up to blood cancer. A pall of gloom set in and we even stopped conversing with each other. We heaved a sigh of relief when the social worker at Tata Hospital referred us to The Max Foundation. The mere thought of ‘cancer’ scared us so much that we were not able to take any decision. But all our fears disappeared the moment we came to the Max foundation. Now the patient’s CBC is within the normal limits and the physician has told me that everything is under control. We have heaved a sigh of relief and the patient too has got a new lease of life. We are indebted to Novartis and the Max foundation and have no words to express our gratitude.
Glivec is indeed a magic drug.
Glivec does wonders in such a short time. I once again want to thank Novartis and Max foundation and all who work there and congratulate them for the great deeds they are performing. The name of the patient whom I have written about is Manorama Singh CD-16155 Village:Amtha Khem , PO:LineBazar Dist: GopalGanj ,Bihar
Translated from Hindi by Vidya S Tahilramani
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