Friends of Max Patient Advocates for the month of May 2024 are Tariq Javed Jahangir and Prashant Sirse, our City Chapter Leaders from Nashik, Maharashtra.
Tariq Javed Jahangir
Tariq was born in Harsul, a small village near Trimbakeshwar, a holy city in Maharashtra. He completed his basic education up to class nine in Nashik. He and his wife currently live with their son, who is running a footwear business.

When Tariq was diagnosed with CML, he consulted Dr. Shailesh Bondarde at Shatabdi Hospital in Nashik, who referred him to Dr Suresh Advani in Mumbai. In 2007, Dr Advani connected him to The Max Foundation. He first contacted Friends of Max at a Patient Support Group Meeting in Nashik in 2016, where FOM Pune City Chapter Leaders guided him into the process of joining FOM.
He remembers the time of his diagnosis vividly. Naturally, he was devastated and in shock. But, when he visited The Max Foundation office and Amma (Viji Venkatesh) placed her hand on his head, assuring him that everything would be fine, he felt 50% better immediately. He deeply appreciates the help and support from The Max Foundation and Friends of Max that he and other CML patients like him have received and continue to receive till date.
In turn Tariq is currently an active City Chapter Leader, participating in and organising meetings and other patient related activities for Friends of Max in Nashik. Drawing on his rich experience, he also offers guidance and moral support to fellow patients.
Today he is 75 years old living a retired life.

Prashant Sirse
Prashant was born in Nashik. Growing up with six sisters- five older and one younger, he shouldered many responsibilities as the only boy in the family. Immediately after school he started working as a daily wage earner. Working hard, Prashant managed to complete his studies up to Standard Ten, followed by a two-year course in IT, after which he continued to work well for a year.

Prashant has been a member of FOM for nearly 18 years, and a City Chapter Leader from his region. He first learned about FOM from Dr. Shailesh Bondarde, when he was diagnosed with CML. Prashant then sought treatment in Mumbai, where he heard about The Max Foundation and met Amma.
He remembers a particular incident when he had dengue, resulting in very low platelet count. He was hospitalized in Nashik for 2-3 days, and unfortunately his doctor was out of town. His condition was worsening, but his friends supported him by providing care and advice.
Today in turn, Prashant not only attends all FOM meetings and events in and around Nashik but offers whatever support he can to FOM volunteers. Moreover, he always remembers to bring grapes for everyone at the Mumbai office whenever he visits.
He lives with his family, wife and two children.

Their advice to CML patients:
Tariq Javed Jahangir: “Glivec is a magic tablet, but initially when you start taking it there are many side effects. Do not let these side effects stop you from taking your tablet every day. As advice I recommend you to eat something substantial before taking the tablet, but do not skip the tablet. Remain compliant to your treatment and physician follow ups always.”
Prashant Sirse: “If you are diagnosed with CML do not fear it. Be aware of the situation and take necessary steps. With the help of treatment, you can fight it.”