A Ray Of Hope: Pune Regional Meet 9 April

Report by Krishnadas Dhake

Sundays are always looked forward to, but the Sunday of 9th April 2017 was awaited more eagerly as it was FOM’s Regional Meet in Pune. The meet took place at IMA Hall on Tilak Road in Shukrawar Peth. This Meet provides a platform for patients and caregivers to connect with each other and doctors, allowing them to build a positive perspective towards life.

The morning began with the coming together of ever-enthusiastic and ready Pune FOM team along with the FOM team led by Viji Amma. We made the arrangements for registrations and made sure the participants were directed to the hall for the session. At the registration counter patients were given booklets with information regarding CML and Friends Of Max along with pens, note pads and wrist bands. The name tags were of 4 different colours for a surprise event post lunch.

The programme began with an unique version of our National Anthem. With a warm welcome the program proceeded to a session on Friends of Max followed by one on the importance of discipline in taking the medicine. Dr Vijay Ramanan with his quirky and humorous yet effective and logical style answered questions raised by the patients.

An energetic morning session had made everyone feel the need for a relaxed atmosphere to interact among themselves and the volunteers, which was done over a delicious lunch. Post lunch the participants were divided into four groups according to the colour of their name tags. The groups were asked to nominate a team of two members to come up on stage and take part in a quiz. The quiz consisted of multiple rounds like a buzzer round, a one by one question round. Questions were based on the topics that had been presented before lunch.

It was an exciting and entertaining session. The Blue Team won with other team’s tailgating them. The day came to an end with a hot cup of tea and the satisfaction of having made a difference.

Meets like this provide a purpose: a ray of hope like the beautiful morning sunshine after a rainy day.